
Voice of Plenty

“I get lost in love”

With Venus in Pisces, love has no compass, it has no direction anymore.

Venus in Pisces can make you lost in the sea of ideal love, so the effort is to try to recover the Venus which is lost somewhere into the Infinite, out of Space and Time.

“I am lost in him, I am lost of her, it drives me crazy!”

Venus in Pisces is without patterns, without rigidity, it is not hidden, but is exposed naked, like Botticelli’s Venus in the painting “The Birth of Venus”.

Venus in Pisces responds to Neptune (domicile in Pisces) and espress her excess of dependence.

“In loving I lose myself, I give myself completely, I release myself completely”.

And in this position the lost Venus waits then for her Jupiter (domicile in Pisces), the great Savior who only can save her from perdition.

Pisces gives everything completely, because Pisces expresses the communion with the Infinite, so a Venus in Pisces espresses the need to learn to love something bigger than herself (Jupiter, the expansion), and not only a simple person… because a person it’s not enough!

Giulia Maria Miscioscia