
Voice of Plenty


From a nutritional concept of the intestine to an essential source for the production of hormones and enzymes: the new knowledge about our intestine.

The intestine is not a tube-shaped organ that only serves to digest and nourish us, but it is really much more.

It is not true that it is a second brain: it is a real widespread brain, very rich in nerve cells, and they are endocrine cells, producing hormones and cells of the immune system.

Those who have a low immune system, quite often have an intestine that does not work as it should.

The intestine regulates our mood, and the production of male sexual hormones (such as testosterone) through the microbiota (see my other article about microbiota).

A low level of testosterone hormon can bring low self-esteem, low ability to manage relationships, and the reason behind self-esteem and confusion can be sometimes only an inflamed intestine.

When we eat, two meals happen: one for the cells and one for our intestinal bacteria, which produce positive substances (enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins) or negative substances (waste, toxins, gases) for our body, depending on our health condition.

It is essential that the 4 digestions are all respected (see the articole about the 4 digestion here), and we should give them the best support to function correctly (e.g. chew well and for a long time, take prebiotics and probiotics etc.).


SEROTONINE (neurotransmitter of happiness)

OUR MOOD is regulated by neurotransmitters, like serotonin, the hormone of good mood.

In case of deep depression, a  psychiatrist can prescribe anti-depressants: these moleculas blackmail serotonin at the brain level and increases its absorption by 5%.

BUT IN REALITY 95% of serotonin absorption happens not in the brain but in the intestine! So it is really more useful to absorb serotonin in the intestine!

When the brain senses that Serotonin is decreasing, it sends an impulse to raise the level of insulin which allows to increase the level of Serotonin.Therefore we get a craving for sweets and we feel the urgeny to eat sugars. 

We can increase Serotonin through the amynoacid L-TRYPTOPHAN which is transformed by our body into Serotonin.



What are the foods that improve serotonin levels in the blood?

PINEAPPLE > especially the CENTER because it is rich in bromelain, a powerful natural anti-inflammatory (present in supplements)
LOW-FAT SOFT CHEESE (like ricotta), with low levels of casein and are not good for an inflamed intestine
FISH RICH IN OMEGA 3 (salmon and blue fish)



Coffee does not improve mood, but it burns our energy faster. 

Coffee increases the heart rate, it is an active competitor of some adenosine-receptors in the brain, that reduce the feeling of fatigue.

That’s why when you drink coffee, you can feel like you have more energy, but in reality you don’t have any more energy: simple your body use up more energy because the heart rate increases. 

Taking 100mg of caffeine after intense physical effort gives you a lower perception of fatigue and you can concentrate more, so, in the end, coffee is a soft drug, because it tricks the brain.

Coffee should be taken ONLY AFTER MEALS because it increases the acidity of the stomach cells too much, and can cause stomach, intestine and body inflammation.

In general, please drink max 2 small cups of espresso coffee per day, if you would like to respect your body, and always after meals, or you will create inflamation in your body.


How to reduce coffee if we drink a lot during the day?

When we prepare coffee, we can add gradually chicory or barley coffee to the normal one, or we can try matcha green tea powder, carob powder or turmeric coffee, trying to have at least one day without coffee during the week, in order to avoid to become addict to coffee. 

And again: never take it alone or before meals, please.

Be creative, be curious! Remember to check always the ingredients and take only pure powders without added sugars or artificial flavours.


Then, if you remove some food that you like, remember, in order to respect yourself, to compensate the reduction with some food that gratify your brain.

Bekind with yourself, change your habits with kindness, and you will change your lifestyle and your health permanently. 


Giulia Maria Miscioscia