
Voice of Plenty


Light on Food and Nutrition

How the same type of food can intoxicate or detoxify, depending on its use.

Depending on how we combine foods together, we can intoxicate or detoxify ourselves, we can modify the hormonal response, we can modify the DNA of cells, we can disinflame or inflame our body.

To stimulate fat consumption, we need to produce glucagon, which is produced by the pancreas.

The pancreas produces, among other hormones, insulin and glucagon:

GLUCAGON = mobilizes fat reserves in the liver and transforms them into energy through a complex biochemical process
INSULIN = when there is excess sugar and transforms it into fat that is stored in the liver



Fat and inflammation are also closely related. If I have a chronic state of inflammation, my liver will continue to produce visceral fat, and visceral fat will feed other external fat.

Infact, fat is very useful in cases of inflammation, because it coats toxins and pathogens and removes them from the blood.

If I focus only on losing external fat, I am not actually solving the problem, because visceral fat (which is found inside the inflamed organs) continues to be produced, because the inflammation is always ongoing, and I am not solving the cause. With time I will also lose confidence in my efforts, and I wil loose motivation to heal myself.

If instead we understand which appropriate foods our body can absorb in the conditions we are in, and how to change our lifestyle, little by little we will remove the inflammation and solve the problem permanently.


A breakfast based exclusively on carbohydrates is good especially for ATHLETES who are about to compete in a sports competition or have to train, but not for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

To unload fat from the liver, you need to have a breakfast based on less fats and carbohydrates, and with more proteins.

Let’s remind the insulin cycle:

MORNING: low insulin

EVENING: high insulin

In general, if I overdo with carbohydrates in the morning, I create less problems than if I eat carbohydrates in the evening, because in the evening the insulin is already high, and these carbohydrates are immediately transformed and storage into fats. So, if you want to stimulate the fat consumption, please avoid carbohydrates at night. It’s better some more carbohydrates at breakfast and a full-protein dinner at night.



In the morning there are high levels of cortisol and glucagon (glucagon stimulates the release of fats by the liver), and, to create a diet that lowers fat levels, follow this sequence:

Hot herbal tea (stimulates the gastro-colic reflex and opens the intestinal ampulla). By the way, coffee or cigarettes have the same effect, but the stimulation comes because it is the caffeine or nicotine that acts, rooms that have many contraindications.

Protein food: yogurt, eggs, ricotta, sliced meat, with a protein level that dominates over carbohydrates (at least double)

–  If you want fruit, you need to put it before the proteins, because fruit has a very rapid absorption time.

– Then move on to whole carbohydrates: whole grains, porridge, whole rye bread, etc.

– Then end with nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.)

In this way we stimulate the production of morning glucagon, which transforms fat reserves into energy.


TO SUMMARY: unless you have a sports competition or a morning workout, a breakfast that contains more proteins is recommended, even more so for diabetics.