
Voice of Plenty

In general, the position of the slow planets in our birth chart indicates how we will use those particular energies, while their transits have a great importance in the formation of the personality, offering the possibility of completely changing the direction of our life and also of our way of feeling and perciving life.

These changes will be positive if we understand them and flow with them; but they could also be totally incomprehensible and even destructive for those who are not aware of the forces at work and create resistance towards the change.


Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto take approximately 84, 165, and about 248 years, respectively, to complete one orbit around the Sun.


Since they are slow planets, their specifi transits can occur only once in the course of an entire life, and therefore not all of us will experience the same transits – for example, only some of us will experience the transit of Pluto in conjunction with the natal Sun, since the passage of Pluto in each sign takes about 14 years!



Uranus in the birth chart – as well as in the Solar Returns – always takes on the meaning of unpredictability, change. It is the planet of people of genius, as well as of those who have an eccentric nature.

It has been linked to the Sign of Aquarius, the Eleventh horoscopic House.

Therefore, in whatever horoscopic House Uranus is found, the meanings of that House will be characterized by fast and sudden changes, revolutions and instability.

Likewise, when it is in transit, the spiritual nature of Uranus will be emphasized and the horoscope house it is transiting in, will indicate the area of ​​our lives where some change is needed to favor our inner growth.

The instability of Uranus may suddenly require us to completely change the course of our lives in ways we would never think of.

Whatever changes Uranus imposes on us, they will help us grow spiritually, and if we resist its energy, we will probably be forced to face that same change again in the future or another even more difficult one. But if we are aware of its strength, then we can flow with its energy and benefit from the change that will come to our lives, to which we will adapt, knowing that it will be more congenial to our new inner Self.

When it is in transit, the aspects of conjunction and opposition with our natal planets are generally stronger than others. For example, if transiting Uranus comes into contact with our natal Mercury, our way of thinking will be questioned and, depending on where Mercury is located in our chart, we will find ourselves no longer in line with our “old way of thinking” related to a specific area of ​​life, and our way of reasoning will change. At the end of the transit, we will have a “new mind”. Most likely our attitude will be considered “strange” by others, but of course this will depend on our character tendencies and the environment in which we live.



Neptune is the planet of great compassion, imagination and intuition, it is related to the sign of Pisces, the twelfth House.

Neptune in our chart is the planet of the highest feeling of Love and of romanticism, philosophy and mysticism, of fantasy, as well as of drugs or alterated states of the mind. And, of course, the House where it is placed will indicate the field of life in which these meanings will be more emphasized.

When in transit and badly aspected, Neptune can hinder a clear vision of the facts, or it can give a predisposition to the taking of drugs.

But, if its energy is understood in a positive way, it could make our mind more intuitive, and therefore it will manifest its highly spiritual character.

For example, Neptune transiting natal Mercury could accentuate the intuitive mind if it is aspected in a positive way, otherwise it could hinder a clear vision of the meanings of the house in which Mercury is placed.

Awareness of Neptune’s transits therefore assumes extreme importance so that we can deeply understand the events we are confronted with and act accordingly.



Depending on how we use its strong energy, Pluto has the ability to lift us up or make us fall. It has been linked to the Sign of Scorpio, and therefore the Eighth House.

Therefore, the house in which Pluto is located in our birth chart will tell us in which field we can truly “transform“, start a new life, burying our past.

When in transit, Pluto asks us to die and renew ourselves completely, like a phoenix, or rather to transform radically some aspect of ourselves, with particular reference to the meaning of the House in which it transits. From a spiritual point of view, this “restructuring” must also concern our most intimate and unconscious Self.

As an example, Pluto in transit on natal Mercury will ask the individual to ask himself questions about his way of thinking, not only by limiting himself to changing some points of view (as with Uranus, for example), but by totally revolutionizing the structure of his mind. The person will find himself experiencing a period of great mental stress that can also be dangerous if it is not understood. Instead, the awareness of this transit will help him to understand the forces at play and, by agreeing to go with the flow, he will be guided towards a completely new vision of the Mercurian energy that lives within him.

When we have to deal with the energy of Pluto, there is no way out: either we decide to really look inside ourselves, without being afraid of the “monsters” we might encounter, and find a way to really transform what is old and useless into something new and more suitable for our life, or the suffering that will result will be inevitable.


Speaking of the education of the individual, the use in astrology of the three slow planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, turns out to be very significant, especially with regard to spiritual growth, because the energies of these planets do not only influence our mind, but also esepcially our inner hidden self.