
Voice of Plenty

TRANSITS 2024 - summary



Pluto oscillates throughout the year between the last degrees of Capricorn and the first degrees of Aquarius, where it definitively enters only on November 19, 2024 to stay during the next twenty years until 2043.

Transits of Pluto in the zodiac signs in 2024:
– in Capricorn from January 1st to 20th
– in the Aquarium from January 20th to September 1st
– in Capricorn from 1 September to 19 November
– in Aquarius from 19 November 2024 to 9 March 2043 (two thousand and forty-three)

In retrograde motion from May 2 to October 12, 2024


PISCES (last degrees)

Neptune stays in the last degrees of Pisces for the entire year 2024 and then until March 30, 2025, when it moves into Aries.

In retrograde motion from July 2 to December 8, 2024.


TAURUS (thir decade)

Uranus transits the third decade of Taurus throughout 2024.

Retrograde phases:
– retrograde from January 1st to 27th
(direct motion from 27 January to 2 September)
– retrograde from September 2, 2024 to January 31, 2025



Saturn stays in Pisces throughout the year, in the first and second decades of the sign. It will also remain in Pisces in the first months of the following year until May 25, 2025, when it will enter Aries.
In retrograde motion from July 1st to November 15th 2024.



Jupiter transits in 2024 the signs of Taurus and Gemini.

Transits of Jupiter in the zodiac signs in 2024:
– in Taurus from January 1st to May 25th
– in Gemini from May 25th for the rest of 2024 and until June 9th 2025, when it moves into Cancer.

In retrograde motion from October 9, 2024 to February 4, 2025.



During 2024 Mars passes through nine zodiac signs from Sagittarius to Leo.

Transits of Mars in the Zodiac Signs in 2024:
– in Sagittarius from January 1st to February 4th
– in Capricorn from January 4th to February 13th
– in Aquarius from February 13th to March 22nd
– in Pisces from March 22nd to April 30th
– in Aries from April 30th to June 9th
– in Taurus from June 9th to July 20th
– in Gemini from July 20th to September 5th
– in Cancer from September 5th to November 5th
– in Leo from November 5th to December 31st and beyond.
In retrograde motion from December 7, 2024 to February 24, 2025


SAGITTARIUS >> AQUARIUS (complete tour of zodiac)

Venus completes the usual complete tour of the zodiac starting from Sagittarius, always in direct motion, and in the absence of retrograde motions and stopping rings it has time to go through Sagittarius itself a second time, Capricorn and Aquarius before the year ends.

Transits of Venus in 2024:
– in Sagittarius from January 1st to 23rd
– in Capricorn from January 23rd to February 16th
– in Aquarius from February 16th to March 11th
– in Pisces from March 11th to April 5th
– in Aries from 5 to 29 April
– in Taurus from April 29th to May 23rd
– in Gemini from May 23rd to June 17th
– in Cancer from June 17th to July 11th
– in Leo from 11 July to 5 August
– in Virgo from 5 to 29 August
– in Libra from August 29th to September 23rd
– in Scorpio from September 23rd to October 17th
– in Sagittarius from October 17th to November 11th
– in Capricorn from November 11th to December 7th
– in Aquarius from 7 to 31 December 2024 and then until 3 January 2025


Mercury begins the year in Sagittarius and ends it in the same sign after crossing all the other zodiac signs.

During 2024 Mercury forms three rings of rest in the signs of Fire.

Retrograde phases:
– from 2 to 25 April in Aries
– from 5 to 29 August in Leo (and Virgo)
– from November 26th to December 16th in Sagittarius

Transits of Mercury in 2024:
– in Sagittarius from January 1st to 14th
– in Capricorn from January 14th to February 5th
– in Aquarius from 5 to 23 February
– in Pisces from February 23rd to March 10th
– in Aries from March 10th to May 15th (stop ring)
– in Taurus from May 15th to June 3rd
– in Gemini from June 3rd to 17th
– in Cancer from June 17th to July 2nd
– in Leo from July 2nd to September 9th (in a stop ring, with a brief foray into Virgo at the end of July)
– in Virgo from 9 to 26 September
– in Libra from September 26th to October 13th
– in Scorpio from October 13th to November 2nd
– in Sagittarius from November 2 to December 31, 2024 and then until January 8, 2025 (stop ring)

✨ At the beginning of the year, Venus, Mars and Mercury move from Sagittarius to Capricorn, and the energy is preparing for Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on January 21st.

✨ In mid-February there will be a great conjunction of Venus, Mars and Pluto in Aquarius: so the important energy transition of the new year will begin from mid-February. 



In 2024 we will go through the great shift from the Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus) to the Air Element (Aquarius, Gemini) strengthened not only by Pluto, but also by the entry of Jupiter into the Gemini at the end of May.

This year we will find great Air conjunctions in Aquarius in February and August in Gemini, with a nice trine between Pluto and Jupiter.

It is interesting to see how Venus and Mercury accompany Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in February and again between May and June Venus and Mercury accompany Jupiter’s entry into Gemini.

Since this year humanity change the Elemental from Earth to Air, this new time can become, for those who are sensitive towards the stars, a new important center of gravity, that can help to work deeply on ourselves and others, thanks to communication (Air element). If we open our hearts we can receive from the Stars (our inner gods) a lot of new fresh feelings, thoughts, intuitions, ideas, if they are consciously called by our will.

The change of element from Earth to Air in our microcosmos expresses a change from a material plane, where the Planetary Forces were concentrated, towards a Spiritual/Etheric plane.

This passage will unleash great Powers of Light and Darkness. The great danger will be linked to the unaware use of technology, with Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of great change, Pluto is our Shiva, the great creator and destroyer, while Aquarius represents the Man/Angel, the bearer of Water (Life) from Sky to the Earth, and so the ability of every human being to be able to know and use the great forces of Heaven, or the Creative Spiritual Forces. In 2024 we will fully enter into this new level of perception of reality for better or for worse.

For those who are truth in their spiritual path of knowledge, intuitive abilities will be expanded, we will be able to grasp and connect with the “messages from Heaven”, we will understand the Spiritual World more clearly, the fear of death can be transformed into sensorial experiences of Eternal Consciousness, so the border between Heaven and Earth
it will be increasingly subtle.

The humanity that is making this transition into a consciousness of justice, love, freedom and knowledge will be greatly helped, despite the great trials that it will face in order to carry out the new projects that can bring love, freedom and beauty inside a materialistic society.

For those who remain blind inside a the materialist vision of life, the living conditions will bring more fears, physical illnesses, especially illness related to the nervous system. These people will be easily attacked and manipulated by toxic power systems that will deceive the population through false well-being, linked to the extension of life through technology: the stenght, the will and therefore the vital energy that comes from the Spirit into people will be slowly extinguished inside them.
A great split will begin, people will choose their future in these years, adhering to values of freedom and love or instead to fear and manipulation.


Technology will profoundly change our lives, if used with love and knowledge it will help humanity in its evolution, but we must remain aware that we are immersed in Eternal Life and the Spiritual Forces, linked to Pluto in Aquarius, especially with the Trine of Jupiter and then Uranus in Gemini, will allow us to have very deep spiritual experiences and intuitions.

The Forces of Evil linked to Pluto in Aquarius will try to completely destroy the Human Self, its freedom, independence, vital and creative power, the seeds that the Divine has placed in every human beings, so that we could one day return to being consciously divine. That day is coming and the entry of Pluto into Aquarius has this profound meaning: the Spiritual Powers are ready to descend into the Man of good will.


Saturn is in Pisces this year along with Neptune preparing to enter in Aries in April 2025, followed in June 2025 by Uranus in Gemini.

Saturn in Pisces also requires a spiritual effort from us, it asks us to try to free ourselves from selfishness and enter into a vision of compassion and love, that is, a profound connection with the unconditional love, work deeply on fears and judgment that disconnect us from Love.

We are asked the effort of overcome the confort zone of fear, ignorance and selfishness to access a new world, we can see the perception of a cosmic humanity and of a common cosmic genesis: the time has come, it’s up to us
choose what to do in this 2024 full of opportunities for inner evolution and inner freedom.

Giulia Maria Miscioscia