
Voice of Plenty

12 signs
4 elements
3 modalities
2 polarities
1 chart

3 MODALITIES: Cardinal, Fix, Mobile

How does the energy move? Is the energy the explosive beginning? Or instead it is slow and steady continuation? Or maybe again it is an uncontrolled end?

Cardinal signs: Aries — Cancer — Libra — Capricorn ♈️ ♋ ️♎️ ♑️

They are called cardinals, as they are positioned at the beginning of a season of the year:

  • Spring Equinox, Aries
  • Summer Solstice, Cancer
  • Autumn equinox, Libra
  • Winter solstice, Capricorn

Initiative, leadership and proactive energy, motion creation, activity seekers, movers and shakers


The Cardinal signs represent the energy directed towards starting and carrying out an action. They are initiators, capable of transforming an idea into concrete actions.

They don’t wait for things to happen; they make them happen. They have a natural propensity for action and often find themselves starting new projects or pushing themselves into new adventures. Their energy is contagious and often inspires others to follow them.

They are often full of life, enthusiastic and ready to throw themselves into new challenges. Their energy can be compared to that of a powerful engine: once started, it is difficult to stop.

Cardinals Aries and Libra act in the present with an eye to the future.
Cancer and Capricorn take the past into consideration.
Although they are active people, they need encouragement, a following and the consent of others. In fact, their energy, being directed outwards, makes them rather vulnerable and conditioned by the environment.

Fixed signs: Taurus — Leo — Scorpio — Aquarius ♉️ ♌ ️♏ ️♒️

Resistance, persistence, stability, regularity, determination, focus, goal oriented, consistency, loyalty


Fixed signs, on the other hand, are more capable of continuing to build what already exists and organizing it more efficiently. They tend to give stability to what is already built. They can have great difficulty abandoning an idea or a situation, even when it causes problems.

In exchange, they have the ability to persevere and they have the patience.
Unlike the Cardinals, they direct their energy inward and this gives them a great power of concentration, which is a strong point if the person has a creative activity or is directed towards spiritual evolution.

While the world around them may change and move, fixed signs have the ability to stay centered in their ideas.

The lesson they must learn is to accept changes, find the spirit of adaptation that allows them to grow and experience new realities.

Mobile signs: Gemini — Virgo — Sagittarius — Pisces ♊️ ♍ ️♐ ️♓️

Adaptability, impressionable, influenced by the vibe, changable, scattered, followers, empathetic,


They are the intermediaries of the zodiac, the right path between the progress of the Cardinals and the conservatism of the Fixed. They are adaptable, flexible, versatile. At ease in all situations, they are capable of replacing one situation with another, without particular mental worries. They are very sensitive to dynamic energies and are instead inclined to changes and progress. They have the flexibility necessary to find alternative ways or get around a problem.

They are adaptable, flexible, curious and voracious for new experiences because their main function is to introduce change.

Gemini and Sagittarius direct their energy outward and the future, Virgo and Pisces, inward and the past.

They run the risk, if they do not set a goal, of being tossed here and there behind the blowing wind.


The signs are a manual with clear instructions about how to work with the qualities that stand at the foundation of our existence.

When you know which is your dominant energies, you know how your soul aspire to move in the physical, etherical and spiritual world inside its experience.

Giulia Maria Miscioscia