
Voice of Plenty

In Astrology we have to understand the meaning of the actors (Planets), the meaning of the stage where they play (Houses) and how they act (Signs).


We can say that the Planets are the active agents of the chart “doing” something. They represent all the different kinds of energies that we can find inside us, the topics of a life (sexual desire, abundance and money, physical strenght, intelligence…). They are all the colourful voices that we pour out, more or less loudly, depending from our age, and they are the characters we play during the big Theatre of Life.


The Houses are the stages or scenarios in which our planets moves and acts: Houses are our connection to the outside world.

Depending from the place in which you are born and from the system of Domification (calculation of the Houses) that you use, some Houses can be also quite wide, and some quite narrow, this means that you will prefer some recurrent scenarios for your life. In this part of your char the actors, the planets, will stay longer and this means you need probably more time to let go the existential knots linked to that specific house.

Houes are like filters or photographic lenses through which we can experience the external world, and they indicate where we receive the external experience in our inner world and where we give it back outside (ex. our job, our marriage, our family…).

As filters, they can have different dimensions: sometimes the flow rate of the filter is very large, smooth and relaxed, and this scenario is beautiful and satisfacting, sometimes instead the filter narrows and blocks emotions and sensations, preventing the energy flow inside that part of our life, and this can happen for many years… Or maybe the filter can also explode!



This change of the filter is determined by transits that happen in your different Houses.

So when something new happens in the cosmic transits, for example when a slow planet pass int a new sign (as now Pluto into Aquarius), you can look inside your chart 2 things:

  1. In which of your House this Cosmic Pluto is walking, because Pluto will activate now those Houses of yours, and this will be particularly interesting if those Houses usually ae “empty”, that means you don’t have any birth planets there.
  2. Which of your Houses is in Aquarius: this will be definitly the area of your life that will feel more happily the energy of the Cosmic Pluto in Aquarius, because it will go in resonance with the dance of the cosmic Pluto!



To properly understand what a transit means for you, you can write a little daily diary, in which you can ask yourself some questions for a sacred and healing oriented self-observation:

1. What is the nature of this transit? (ex: the general astrological meaning of Pluto in Aquarius)

2. What area of my life is especially affected by this transit? (which of my Houses in my birth chart are coloured by the sign of Aquarius? In which specific House of my birth chart the Cosmic Pluto is now walking? How I usually feel the energy of Pluto in my birth chart, is Pluto a happy and easy planet for me in my birth chart? Is it important or even dominant?)

3. Are there any parts of my soul present in that House? (do I have placements/planets in Houses in Aquarius? Which of them? And which aspects they have? Are they happy flowing plantes, lonely planets or wounded planets?)

4. What is my relationship with this specific energy? (do I feel in harmony and resonance with the way of expressing energies proposed by Aquarius? Can I embody it with easy and grace? Am I open to feel and become it through my actions and choices?)


Let me know if you have questions!

I hope this will serve you in your journey to understand the sacred messages of the Stars expressed by your own life.

Giulia Maria Miscioscia
