While Neptune elevates love to sublimation and transcendence, spiritualizes it and makes it capable of perceiving the sense of fusion with the universe, Pluto instead drags Venus into the deepest and darkest meanders of the unconscious in a harmonious and transparent way with a good aspect, in a painful and unconscious way with a square or opposition.
It is a descent into hell that will pass through the most intense emotions, even if their preferential color will be grey-black. It’s a trip into the game of power.
Pluto will therefore try to highlight the darkest and even sickest parts of the two individuals through the love relationship: Plutonian love therefore thrives on intense dramatic sides since absolutely unknown traits of the person’s psyche will be exposed without the person sometimes having the even minimal awareness.
Here love is sometimes linked to the death instinct. Let’s think about how many extreme actions are committed in the name of love: those who have a Venus-Pluto in their chart have, at least once and especially on the occasion of a betrayal, considered that they could even go so far as to kill… Pluto totally eliminates the ethical side of Venus makes this planet to act as ambiguous, ambivalent; often Venusian sharing becomes “complicity” in a dark, murky sense, and this allows the goddess of love to show off a transgressive-infernal, seductive and highly manipulative side, otherwise unknown.
In this aspect, through love one finds the energy to be able to fully live one’s Shadow: here, love reveals the individual to himself, but reveals him fully, without masks, without false moralisms, integrally, with its civil zone and its “primitive” and “egoic” zone, imbued with distorted power. This means that Pluto allows the interception of the destructive element by showing the most ambiguous and inferior traits of power, and how they are easily deceived and smuggled out of love.
Therefore, while the Neptunian path allows the loss of the Self through a cosmic union with the divine, Pluto allows another path of knowledge through love: but it is that of pain, pathos and sometimes Tanathos. In any case, love seen through the eyes of Pluto is a sort of catharsis, something that must bring us into direct contact with our essence and our creative potential, as well as with our power.
Through Plutonian love, which is the most stimulating and disorganizing thing proposed to us, we can truly discover what potential and what possibilities we truly have to master our lives and, above all, what power we are able to exercise over our instinctive and emotional dynamics. Only after this step can we think of reaching a real condition of independence, in which the other truly detaches himself from us and becomes an interlocutor and a companion. And this is why Pluto drags us into territories where the lawful and the unlawful are bordering: to allow us to see to what extent we are masters of ourselves, to what extent we are able to choose or are we still driven by instincts.
In this passage of love everyone encounters the indefiniteness and ambiguity of the other, but behind all this they glimpse the dark side of their own soul. Love is wrapped in mystery and charm, two qualities that make it irresistible but which also show its danger, because they invite you to go beyond what is visible and often even beyond what is permissible, in search of the satisfaction of that atavistic loving hunger that hopefully we can appease.
This love can pass through the sensation of having been “bewitched”, and in this everyone can experience the power of seduction which leads the subject into a dimension where he is confronted with the power of another person, and precisely in this encounter-clash the ego and the mind falter and we enter a state of great imbalance in which the forces of reason are face to face with the unconscious drives.
But it will be precisely this mixed state of passion, suffering and fear that will lead us to transformation.
In fact, the meaning of Venus-Pluto is precisely this: self-transformation will come through the love dimension, passing through an uncontrollable desire that bring us in contact with our true abilities-inability to master our inner world.
Plutonian love breaks down the limits that the ego has placed, breaks down the patterns of the mind and morality and leads it into an absolutely new territory in which it truly experiences the loss of self; passes through chaos, internal disorder, power and manipulation, the need to obtain and possess what will never be granted to us, because it is not legitimate to demand it, and all this will lead to us maturing, understanding ourselves better and not taking for granted some values that we delude ourselves into having made our own and which will instead be challenged very openly with this aspect.
Here love is challenge, provocation, outrage, yearning of the soul which is played out on the thread of the presence-absence of the loved object, which in a pursuit-escape dimension puts us face to face with transformation.
Love teaches us with Pluto that only if we accept loss and death will we be able to accept and love life.
If we accept the challenge, it leads us to the true capacity for relationship that Venus only touches on in archetypal encounters with the other Gods; here, the possibility of love is based on the ability to accept the renunciation of the totality of the relationship since separation and the realistic recognition of individuality and difference must enter into this love, of the fact that the other lives not only according to us and that above all we have no right to exercise power over him.
Plutonian love begins with an insatiable symbiosis but will expel us from it unequivocally, no longer allowing us to enter it: this love forces us to accept our own state of solitude and the condition that our own completeness can only come from itself.
During this ordeal we experience smallness, the sense of loss of power, emptiness, and we wait for our drug, our poison that seems to appease the need, but only if we get to the bottom of this hellish territory, facing all our fears and by healing our wounds, we will be able to find our psychic integrity, the one that will allow us to re-emerge and be re-born as a unit and no longer as a half.
This is why love here is colored by a thousand other negative emotional shades: hatred, resentment, anger, possession, submission and domination… because through the physical-psychic and emotional dimension Plutonian love allows the return of the repressed and brings us back to the right -duty to deal with our internal images. All this makes this love fascinating and terrifying at the same time. There is a sort of spell in which one remains suspended and one does not know whether everything will be destroyed or whether the passage of “knowledge” necessary for transformation will occur from it.
This is a very short journey into the world of love with all its potential. Every time we express love, we are forced to reenact an archetypal dimension of ourselves, which brings us back to something that needs to be seen, understood and integrated into our personality.
In this sense, love is always knowledge and at the same time it is life, because the best of our life is played out in knowledge.